Category Archives: Prayer

The Christian’s Work

Title: The Christian’s Work: Prayer & Proclamation

Text: Colossians 4.2-6; Ephesians 4-6

CPT: Paul’s mission and the Colossians’ evangelism efforts begin and are sustained through prayer.

CPS: Attentive Prayer (talking to God) is foundational to Our Mission (preaching to people) and our ministry (conversing with outsiders).

Introduction: We’re in Colossians 4.2-6; We will also stroll through Ephesians 4-6;

I remember as a kid hearing about the Cowboy’s Philosophy. I’m talking about Randy White, Roger Staubach, Walt Garrison, Bob Hayes, Lee Roy Jordan, Ed ‘Too Tall’ Jones, Harvey Martin… I believe it was Harvey Martin who said it: The Cowboys never lost a game, we just ran out of time.

I guess most games are like that. I went to Leighton softball game a couple of weeks ago. I thought the game was timed at an hour. I told Lisa I’d be home by this certain time, because the game was sure to be over. If I had been right, Leighton, your team would have won. But, I was wrong and it lasted an hour and a half. That extra 30 minutes was what the other team needed to come back and win. I guess they were thankful for the extra time.

Time is an interesting commodity we possess. And, we have a limited amount of it. Someday, it will be gone. Someday, time will come to an end, just like it had a beginning.

But, in a very real sense, it runs out on us and we miss finishing what we were supposed to be doing. Like in a game, like when dinner was supposed to be ready, like when the teacher says, “ok, time’s up! Put your pencils down and pass your papers forward.” I can almost hear the groans of the students…

I feel that most mornings Sunday mornings when I preach. I’m not really under time constraints, not really. But in some sense, I am. Lisa, John and Robert are, too – with teaching. I’m sure they feel that pressure. Gaynette, I’m sure does with the children and the time she has with them.

You feel it, too, don’t you? When you’re under the pressure of the time clock. It raises your blood pressure. It’s creates that anxious, panicky feeling inside.

Transition: So, what do we do with the time we’ve been given. Let’s not waste it!

Here’s the Big Idea for the Day: The Work of the Christian is attentive prayer and it is foundational to our Mission and our Ministry. Attentive Prayer (talking to God) is foundational to Missions (Great Commission) and Ministry (conversing with outsiders).

But we only have a limited amount of time to get this done. And, with the way our world is today, I’m thinking this time is shorter than most people imagine.

Two commands in our text: Busy yourselves in prayer (2)and Walk in Wisdom(5).

Let’s look at these two commands as we consider the Work of the Christian:

  1. The Command to Pray (How to talk to God)

exp.: rd 4.2; actually, the command isn’t prayer, it’s busy yourself.

How: 1st, busy yourselves in prayer; illustrated: being watchful; this is really an illustration; these words are the words used to describe a watchman on the tower; the idea is to stay awake and alert;

ill.: did you guys know that Hamas has been launching 1,000’s of rockets into Israel? Israel has an army of watchmen who are keeping an eye in all directions for incoming rockets. They have been for years. What would happen if those at the tower fell asleep? People would die.

What would be your thoughts if the Mexican Cartel decided to wage war on the US? Really, I think we’d be in trouble because I’m not sure our current leadership would do anything to protect us! But, you’d hope we would set up defenses and start an offensive against those who would hope to destroy us!

I wonder how many planes the terrorist could fly into the Government buildings in Jerusalem and succeed? I would wager not a single one!

app.: Israel is acting like any normal country would. I’m not sure we’re normal anymore. When you think of this idea of prayer – think of Israel. You’ve got to be awake and alert like your enemy is out there and wants to destroy you. He wants to create division, He wants to create dissension, he wants to create distractions so that you’ll focus on other concerns and not concern yourself with the task ahead.

Transition: How to pray? Busy yourselves in prayer, and you do this like a watchman on the tower – stay awake & alert;

exp.: What to pray? Rd 4.3a; Pray for your preachers; 1st, that God would open a door for the Word;

This is really good advice! Pray for doors to be open! I think this takes wisdom and insight on the part of the preachers to discern open doors. Add that to your prayers: Lord, open doors for our preachers to preach your Word and grant them the discernment to know when that door is open.

I love this phrase he uses – to declare the mystery of Christ. Paul is still in the relationships mode.

Do you remember last week how I spent some time on how the Trinity is the perfect example of relationships, demonstrating for us how roles and relationships work? Listen to Paul in Ephesians: 5.28-33; Husbands love your wives; there is a mystery to it all – most people don’t get it. But, it has been revealed and that is what we proclaim – the mystery that has been solved, if you will. This is what Paul declares to the People. This is what we declare to the people – the mystery of Christ.

So, 1st, pray for an open door for the Word to be proclaimed; and 2nd, rd the last part of v 3 –  on account of which I am in prison. Perfect Voice – a present state because of a past action; If I said, “I am running” – that is present tense. But, if I said, “I am running from the law” you get the idea that it is something I’m doing because of a past action. One more item concerning this phrase: the literal translation is on account of which I am in chains/bonds. Same idea, but you really see his suffering in the literal.

All of that to say, 2nd, pray for your preachers who are being persecuted. Pray for those guys in Canada who are being imprisoned for allowing their churches to gather. Pray for other pastors/preachers around the world who are persecuted for their preaching. Pray for me. Pray for an open door, pray for the persecuted and 3rd, pray the preacher would present it in a clear and understandable way. Rd 4.4

app.: consider yourselves sentries or guards who have been situated in the watch tower, keeping watch, staying awake and alert; busy yourselves with prayer for those who preach God’s Word. Think of missionaries, of which Paul was one. Think of pastors and their responsibility to proclaim God’s Word. Pretend that their success is all on you.

Ill.: Lord of the Flies: Jack took his boys hunting and let the fire on the hill go out. A plane came by and they missed being rescued! What’s even sadder is that Jack volunteered his boys!

t.s.: Now, Paul turns the tables and informs the Colossians, that missions isn’t only someone else’s job… which brings us to #2…

2. How to talk to your neighbors about God

exp.: rd 4.5

Paul’s conclusion to his letter to the Ephesians is similar to the letter to the Colossians; read 4.2-6;

I mentioned last week that the Ephesian letter is a twin letter to this one. It’s like Paul wanted to share the same information with both churches. But, here is a major difference: Ephesians is so much more in depth. Let me show you what I mean. Keep your place here in Colossians 4. Ephesians 6.18-20; Look at 5.15f;Turn to Ephesians 4. Walk (παριπατέω) in:

Then, after challenging them to ‘walk’ in these different ways, Paul concludes this challenge with the call to walk in wisdom, redeeming the time (5.15f). The same challenge he has offered to the Colossians. But it is interesting here – Paul has couched his conclusion statement with the Household Code and the Armor of God.

In our text, Paul has been talking to the Colossians about their relationships, too. Now, he tells them why these are all important. This is the message in Ephesians, as well.

Their Mission is the same as his: to reach lost people with the Gospel (and this means using their words which match their walk).

How, you might ask? Rd 4.5b – lit.: by redeeming the time. This word appears 4x’s in the NT. All 4 by Paul. Here, Ephesians and 2x’s in Galatians: 3.13 – 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree” and in 4.5, let me begin in v 4: But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.

Lit.: In wisdom walk toward those outside, the time redeeming. It is that same feel of the watchman – staying awake and alert – don’t fall asleep and waste the time you’re at your post. Make the best use of your time.

2nd, rd 5.6a; that is, let your word always be filled with Grace. Let your conversations be grace laced. This sounds like you are gracious in your conversing, but that isn’t it. Grace fills the word you speak. It isn’t your attitude toward your neighbor. Verse 6 doesn’t have a verb – so in English it is an incomplete thought. To make sense, we have to supply the verb. The verb comes from 5.5 – Walk. How do you walk? Redeeming the time, grace fills your word, seasoned with salt; that’s a metaphor – the word you speak is the meat – grace is the salt you spread on it. What a great picture!

And finally, rd 5.6c – so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Just like Paul – it is the same wording here as in v 4; Paul has the same expectations on the Colossians as he does himself, the preacher.

ill.: Do you ever look back and think about a time you wasted? You didn’t do what you were supposed to do?

For me, her name was Michelle. It’s funny that I’ve never forgotten her name. I was traveling each week to Dallas from San Antonio and taking classes all week at Seminary. Each week before I got on the plane to fly to DFW or to return home, I would pray for the person God wanted me to sit by. God never disappointed. I either had presented the Gospel to someone or I was an encouragement to a believer who was down.

Not this particular night: I can’t even remember why I was down or mad or whatever, but I told the Lord in no uncertain terms that I wasn’t talking to anyone. Leave the seat empty! But he didn’t. He put me next to this girl, about my age. Her name was Michele. She was searching. She was hurting. She was inquisitive – all of the components you look for when presenting the Gospel to someone. But no, not me. I would have none of it. I wasn’t mean. We talked for the whole 45 minute flight. But God wasn’t letting me off the hook. I rode the shuttle from the Airport to the Seminary. She lived a couple of blocks from the Seminary. Guess who was on the van and who I ended up sitting next to on the van? That’s right.

She asked me all kinds of questions – leading questions that were underhanded pitches for me to hit. But I wasn’t swinging. I was showing God who was boss. I never told her the one thing she wanted to hear. I never told her about Jesus.

app.: That was almost 30 years ago and I still relive that night in my mind from time to time. And I still have the deepest regret for not redeeming that time. I always end with a prayer that God would send someone who was obedient to Michele – to share the Gospel with her. I pray that she has come to faith in spite of me. And I repent – again, in shame.

t.s.: people, Walk in Wisdom by redeeming the time God gives you with outsiders. And let your word be smothered in the grace of God. And you know that grace, because it is what you’ve experienced it yourself…

Conclusion: So, what are our take-a-ways for the day…

  1. Pray – prayer is the foundation for all we do. Will you commit to pray like a watchman on the tower, protecting this body.
  2. Pray – like the success of our mission is all on you! Even though you know nothing good will happen without the hand of God at work. Pray like it is all on you!
  3. Pray – to walk in wisdom (redeeming the time; conversations that are grace laced; and knowledgeable responses)
  4. Pray specifically…

Let’s pray… We’ll have a time of invitation… Come pray, commit, surrender – let the Lord have his way in your life today.

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Filed under Christian Living, Colossians, Ephesians, missions, Prayer, Scripture, Sermon

A Pastor’s Prayer

Title: A Pastor’s Prayer: The Fullness of a Christian Life

Text: Colossians 1.9-14

Introduction: Last week we spoke of Paul’s gratitude for God’s Gospel: the word of Truth, The grace of God in Truth at work in the body. Today we turn our focus from Gratitude to specific prayer requests Paul has for the Colossians.

As I mentioned last week, this is Paul’s typical opening to a letter: Who he is and who is with him; to whom he is writing; Grace and Peace; then Thanksgiving (which we covered last week) and prayer;

There are two parts to this prayer: he prays that they would be fill and then, that they would walk – that is live the Christian life.

Transition: More on that when we get there. So, let’s get into this. First, Paul prays for his church to be:

I. Filled

exp.: with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and spiritual understanding; rd v 9;  Phil 1.7-8; Eph 1.16-23; πληρόω; filled is sometimes translated “accomplished”; that this would be accomplished in you;

ill.: a pianist who has mastered the instrument is called: an accomplished pianist.

app.: Paul is saying “I want you to master this Christian faith” – fully aware of God’s will for your life. You know what that is don’t you? Your sole purpose in life in fulfilling God’s will is this: to glorify God and enjoy him forever.

t.s.: he prays 1st, that they would be filled with this knowledge in all spiritual wisdom and understanding! 2nd, he prays that they would

II. Walk

exp.: read v10; περιπατέω – walk circumspectly; living your life with a view around you; let that sink in; Jabari’s Graph:

How we see ourselves and others see usHow we see ourselves, but others can’t see
How we can’t see ourselves, but others canHow we can’t see ourselves & others can’t see either

I think of this part – the part where other’s see us, but we can’t see – I think of that part when I read this. People are watching us and they see us. Even in areas we can’t see that they do.

When I was a 7th Grader at Spangdalem Air Force base, I used to walk to the base chapel. I wanted to go to church. I knew I needed to go to church. So, I walked from my house in the housing area to the main base. Probably a couple of miles. I know, strange, right? I remember the chaplain telling the story about going to the store to buy some clothes. He went in and tried on some new clothes and then stepped up to look in the mirror. He said there were three mirrors to the front and one in the back – all situated so that he could see himself from every direction. But as he looked, it wasn’t the clothes that got his attention – it was the bald spot on the back of his head. He always saw himself in the mirror with perfect hair. But, from the back, an area he never saw, there was something blind to him – his bald spot.

And he thought to himself that others saw that bald spot and thought of him as a man who was balding. He never thought of himself as balding. But those mirrors, they revealed something to him – brought something to light. Others saw him differently than he had been seeing himself.

Paul says ‘walk’ – live circumspectly – live with the knowledge that others see you, even when you don’t know. But Paul gets more specific… how?

  • “In a manner worthy of the Lord.” Here’s what that means: at the end of the day present your life as a gift to him. In Philippians he says, “Live your life worthy of the calling you’ve received.” 2ndly, he says;
  • “Fully pleasing to the Lord”; Think about it this way, finding his pleasure in your life;

ill.: Lee Evans, a pastor friend of mine, texts me each Sunday morning and tells me he is praying for me. Robert Wheat, our DOM, does the same thing. That blesses me. This is one of my prayers for me: God’s pleasure – that he would be pleased with me. That’s what Paul prays for his congregation – that they would be fully pleasing to the Lord.

So, this leads us to a very important question: Well, what pleases God? Our text outlines 4 separate areas: rd v 10b;

  1. Bearing fruit (in every good work) Pres. Act. Ptc;
  2. Increasing (in the knowledge of God) Pres. Act. ptc

exp.: we see in v 6 these same words, except, those words are passive tense, meaning, God brings the growth and the fruit to our lives. Here, the tense is active – that you would actively work at bearing fruit and increasing in the knowledge of God.

That’s a good word for us – God brings the growth and increase, but we have a responsibility to be active in that process.

app.: Whereas God’s Word is sufficient in itself (Heb 4.12) to bring about it’s own growth as we share –– But, at the same time, our growth comes through our being active in good works, active in expanding our knowledge; studying, reading, memorizing; we do good works, and God will bless with fruit; we become active in learning, gaining a knowledge of God and he brings the increase and growth in our maturity;

So, in their walk, he prays for them…

  1. Bearing fruit
  2. Bringing growth and,
  3. Being strengthened

exp.:  rd v 11; w/ strength; empowered with all power; according to his might; For a specific purpose – endurance and patience; I think about little David: “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”

ill.: As we hear about religious persecution around the world – like what I mentioned last week – that is why new converts, with very little knowledge of God’s Word, can become powerful witnesses during their suffering and persecution in Muslim countries and restricted countries. They have very little of God’s Word, in some cases only a page. In other cases, only what they remember from a meeting.

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. 29 He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. 30 Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; 31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

t.s.:in your walk

  1. Bearing fruit
  2. Bringing growth
  3. Being strengthened and 4th,
  4. Giving Thanks

exp.: rd v 12; because he has:

  • qualified us – to share in the inheritance!
  • delivered us from the dominion of darkness!
  • transferred us into his kingdom!

exp.: all by the redemption that comes by his blood, the forgiveness of our sins.

Paul is praying for The Full Life: πᾶνall. 5x’s;

Wow… what a beautiful prayer for those people… I want to pray this prayer for you that you would experience this fullness in your life! But before I do, let me share a story with you…

Illustration: Os Guinness – The Call – From Suicide to Purpose;

The Title this morning is A Pastor’s Prayer: The Fullness of a Christian Life

Conclusion: a Pastor’s prayer:

  • Fill them Lord, with the knowledge of your will in all spiritual wisdom and spiritual understanding.
  • May they walk circumspectly, in a manner worthy of this calling and title as Christians – knowing that others are watching, but most concerned that You’re watching. May their walk bring you pleasure, bear good fruit, and bring about the spiritual growth in knowing you more.
  • Strengthen them Father, with the power that comes from you. May they know the immeasurable greatness of your power toward us who believe. May they be strengthened to endure with all patience.

Give them thankful hearts. Cause them to truly comprehend their qualification through Christ – their deliverance from sin and their redemption through the blood of Christ.

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Filed under Colossians, Prayer, Purpose, Scripture, Sermon