Monthly Archives: September 2021

Mark 5.1-20

Title: A Proper Response

Text: Mark 5.1-20

This message can be viewed on YouTube on the Tarpley Church Channel

Introduction: Thank you, John, for reading Scripture this morning.

Let’s begin: We’re in the 2nd miracle in this particular passage on the Authority of Jesus. Last week we saw how Jesus exercised his authority over the natural realm (4.35-41). Today, we’ll see his authority over the Spiritual Realm. In subsequent weeks, we’ll look at his authority over the physical realm, and even death.

      As we begin today, I’d like to offer a quick summary of what John read: In today’s passage, the disciples arrive on the other side of the sea with Jesus in the boat. Immediately, as he is getting out of the boat, Jesus is confronted by a demon-possessed man. Mark takes time to tell the readers how dangerous this man has become (1-7). The demon identifies Jesus and Jesus then confronts the demon inside the man. It turns out that there are many demons inside this man, for the demon’s name is Legion (8-9). Added to this, it appears the demons understand their fate is sealed and they beg Jesus to not send them out of the country, but rather into a herd of pigs nearby. He grants their plea. Coming out of the man and entering into the herd, about 2,000 pigs rush down the steep hill and drown in the water below (10-13).

      At this point, the herdsmen flee back to their village where they report what has happened. The people come out to personally take in what they’ve heard. When they arrive, they find the man sitting there, clothed and in his right mind. I’m not sure why, whether from fear or anger, but they beg Jesus to leave and he obliges. As he boards the boat, the healed man begs Jesus to allow him to follow along. Jesus, however, refuses the man. And, instead of urging silence, Jesus tells the man to go home and share of the mercy of God in his life. And so he does throughout the whole region of the Decapolis (14-20).

      There are certain words that are repeated and stick out: tombs; bind, bound, could not be bound; beg or begged. I find that interesting. For me, this helped shape my message for this morning. Here are my three points:

  1. The Response of the Gadarene Demoniac to Jesus (1-7)
  2. The Response of Jesus to the Gadarene Demoniac (6-13)
  3. The Response of the people to Jesus (14-20)
    1. The People – the herdsmen, the vilagers
    1. The Man (formerly known as the Gadarene Demoniac

Transition: let’s begin with this 1st response…

I. The Response of the Gadarene Demoniac to Jesus (1-7)

exp.: I call him the Gadarene Demoniac, because that is the way I learned it. from the KJV; rd v 2; At 1st glance, it appears this man is responding to the arrival of Jesus; however, a closer look reveals that the response is really the demons within this man; What we see here is that Satan has been at work in the life of the Gadarene Demoniac! We see this in verses 1-5:

  • Possessed by an unclean spirit – a demon – in v 2
  • Living among the dead; this isn’t really a play on words in the original language, as far as I can tell, but it is for us, isn’t it? rd v 3a;
  • Driven away by the town’s people because he was mad, and, he could not be restrained; rd 3b-4
  • Crying out and Cutting himself; v5; this is something we hear about today; people cut themselves because of the pain they’re in. It’s one of the ways they deal w/ their pain;

ill.: A couple of years ago I came across an interesting article that got my attention: It was a NY Times article about the spike in US Deaths – First Rise in US Death Rate Surprises Experts.

What the article brought out is that every decade or so, we see a spike in the death rate. The death rate rose in 1993 because of AIDS and the flu. In 2005 there was another spike because of an outbreak of the flu. In 2016, it was particularly troublesome because…“We are not accustomed to seeing death rates increase on a national scale,” said Andrew Fenelon, a researcher at the C.D.C. who did not work on the paper. “We’ve seen increases in mortality for some groups, but it is quite rare to see it for the whole population.” And just what is the reasoning behind these deaths? The US saw a spike in deaths in three categories:

  1. Suicide
  2. Drug Overdose
  3. Alzheimer’s

The article went on to say that other parts of the world were not seeing decrees in their death rates rise, making the US spike even more surprising.

I expect to see results very soon about the spike in deaths over the past 18 months. I’m sure the proponents will say it is COVID’s fault, but I’ve heard stories of an uptick in suicides. But can I just say…

app.: That is what Satan does: he comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. His purpose and goal has always been the same. He was being successful with this man. He seems to be accomplishing his goal in the US, too.

My guess is that this is just where this man is headed, but something happens when he meets Jesus. Look at his next response. In verse 6…

  • He saw, he ran, he fell down before him. This word translated fell down is sometimes translated worship. Like in Mt 2.15; Now, whether this is the man or the demons who are in possession of this man, the response is correct. Jas 2.19

t.s.: So we see 1st, the response of the demon-possessed man. Now, look at the response of Jesus to this man…

II. The Response of Jesus to the Gadarene Demoniac (6-13)

exp.: the very 1st thing Jesus says to the man is; rd v 8; immediately Jesus recognizes the work of the devil – so Jesus goes to work right away! Two thoughts: 1) I wish I had that type of spiritual discernment. I tend to be gullible. 2) I said Jesus goes to work right away… really, this is not cumbersome work for God.

  1. Legion vs. Christ; We might think: this is A Heavy Weight Fight like Frazier and Ali, Like Tyson and Holmes; Thousands of demons vs. Christ. But really this is No contest. No battle. Jesus doesn’t even need to break a sweat! Here is something to note:
    1. Each time we see a demonic encounter in Mark, they accurately identify Christ for who he is.
    1. When they encounter him, they begin begging (10, 12). Jesus hasn’t fully stepped out of the boat yet and they’re screaming Uncle. Knowing their fate is sealed… they begin to plead for mercy.
  2. Jesus asks the unclean spirit his name in v9. Some say this is how you gain mastery over the demon. I don’t know about that. I fear if I did that, they’d say: Jesus we know, Paul we know, But who are you! This would be a great discussion for WEBS: Is there a difference between demon possession and mental illness. BTW: Jesus heals them both if he desires. And that is just what he does here…
  3. Christ sets the man free in v 10-13; however, the pigs meet a destructive fate (which again, is their goal, their purpose – to steal, to kill and to destroy! rd v 12-13;

Ill.: every so often we hear about some idiot going to the zoo and climbing into a lion’s den or a gorilla’s habitat for a picture, thinking that those wild animals are really tame. A few years ago, there was a video circulating on social media of a boy that fell into the moat between the observation deck and a certain gorilla’s habitat. The Gorilla moved quickly to the little boy (I think he was like 4 years old) and began to sooth and comfort that little boy who had no idea what was going on. I’m guessing he was knocked out when he hit the water/ground.

The Zoo quickly moved into action and shot and killed the Gorilla. Now, the Gorilla appeared to be no threat, but they didn’t know what the Gorilla would do when they moved in to care for the boy. Man, the outcry from Liberals for that Gorilla was amazing. Not for the boy, mind you, or, for the workers who needed to get to that boy.

app.: Daniel Akin, president of SEBTS says of what Christ does in this passage: the event demonstrates that God cares more for man whom He created in His image and recreates in salvation, than he does for animals which do not bear his image. Satan is a murderer of human beings, but Jesus is their Savior.

app.: It appears to me in Revelation, that all things end in a moment. There is fighting, battles, killing. The enemy is doing all he can, and then, boom! It all ends. Jesus just speaks.

t.s: Finally, #3

III. The Response of the People to Jesus (14-20)

exp.: Let’s look at these varied responses from the people:

  1. The Herdsmen; in v 14… they fled (fugitive); “they told”; they announced or proclaimed; this story is pretty much unbelievable. So, they have got to go and see for themselves;
  2. The Townspeople; come to see; 15a; they came to see Jesus; and interestingly enough, they see the ‘demon possessed man’;
    1. This word ‘see’ here, isn’t your typical word for ‘see’. It means more like ‘to gaze upon’; the idea is that they’re standing there with their eyes and their mouths wide open! But, he’s not demon possessed anymore!
    2. This is a result of what Christ does as he works in the lives of people. We see this in Luke 1, when Elizabeth, who is clearly pregnant is described as the one who was barren. Also, in Acts 9 when Paul got saved and wanted to visit with the disciples. When Ananias was summoned by the Lord to visit Paul, he was like, “Um, Lord, did you know this man is bad?” When Christ changes a heart, it leaves people staring in disbelief! Even now, I’m going to struggle to identify this man to you as I preach. I’ll still call him the Gadarene demoniac. But he isn’t anymore!
    3. Then they get to hear the story again in v 16; I love it when someone’s life has been so changed, that others tell their story, too. rd v 17; their response: fear! They beg Jesus to leave their region. And, I guess as is his practice when not wanted, he obliges them.
  3. The Man
    1. Sitting there – restrained no more – actually, he wasn’t restrained before, remember he would break the chains; now he is captured by the love of Christ;
    2. Clothed – no longer naked; This one surprises me, because we don’t learn from the text that he was naked – that is, until now; Now, we want to focus on Mark, and avoid the other gospels, I was curious to find that Luke does tell us that he wore no clothes in 8.27;

ill.: When I read this, I couldn’t help but think of Adam and Eve; Gen 3. 21 And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them. I wonder where they got these clothes for this man. Did the disciples carry around a change of clothes? Probably. Did they put together something from different sources? Great discussion for Wednesday night!

But this is the gospel – a changed heart is displayed externally…

3. Right mind – I suppose this would be in opposition to living among the dead, sleeping in coffins, cutting himself and screaming.

We see: The response of the people, the herdsman, the people from the village, and 3rdly, the man himself, in v 18-20

  • He begs Jesus to let him stay with Jesus. Rd v 18

ill.: This is for me, the most beautiful part of the story. Maybe because I can relate. Oh, I was never as bad off as that man, but I was bad off. I look at who I was and shudder. And now, I only want to be with him. And this is where it is different for me. Christ has ascended to be with the Father and he has poured out his Spirit into my heart. So, I’m not without him.

app.: And you don’t have to be either.

But there is more here; rd v 19-20

  • He becomes an evangelist!

Conclusion: Ok, so I’m translating this verse… 19, and it reads this way: and he said to him, ‘Go to your house, to those who are yours… most translations insert friends. The Texas translation would be “you and yourn”. There are people who belong to him, who are related to him.

Now, I know who my people are. But, who were these poeple for this man? Did he have a wife at home? Children? What about his extended family? What about those who were his friends? What would that reception be like for them – when they thought he was lost forever? And what was it like for him? No longer held captive by Satan, he had been set free. What would he say? Can you imagine the tears of joy for them all?

How? How is this possible? What has happened to you?

I met a man named Jesus. Let me tell you what he has done for me?

There is a video on YouTube – a testimony about a man, who abused as a child, and grew up with difficult struggles. His name is Walt Heyer. After getting married and raising a family, he transitioned to become a woman – way before it was in style – I’m talking 80’s. But after losing his family and living an alternate lifestyle for a couple of decades, this man met Jesus. He transitioned back – as best he could. He is now a living testament to the work of God in the heart of a sinful man.

And there are many like him. Maybe they don’t want to be the opposite gender, but they want to be someone else – someone who isn’t them, someone who doesn’t hurt so bad, someone who is loved, someone who has friends, someone who…


  1. When it comes to the spiritual realm verses Jesus, there really is no contest. There is for you and me! But not for Christ.
  2. I’m not who I used to be. We may still have tags or labels, but when Jesus comes into our life, he changes us!

Question: Might you be someone who is hurting? Maybe you’re wishing you could be someone else? Would you trust Jesus to change you into the man, the woman, the father, the mother, the husband, the wife, the person you were created to be?

  • Will you be like this man and go to those who are yours and share with them the tremendous change God has brought into your life? If so, will the change be evident?

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Filed under Addiction, Christian Living, Mark, Scripture, Sermon

Mark 4.35-41

Title: Following Jesus

Text: Mark 4.35-41

Introduction: Thank you, Bryan for reading Scripture for us this morning.

Our story begins with Jesus finishing his teaching through parables. As the evening moves in, Jesus encourages the disciples to cross over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. We were told by Mark, up in 3.23, that Jesus began teaching them in parables. And, in Ch. 4 we learn that it is mainly because there are those who have rejected Christ. All of the signs were there, but these people hardened their hearts toward Christ and rejected what they had seen with their own eyes. On this particular day, as outlined in chapter four, Jesus teaches in parables from a boat.

 I don’t suppose by any stretch of the imagination that these three parables in chapter four compose all of his parables and all of his teaching that day.

In his teaching, however, it is apparent that his teaching is about the Kingdom of God – (1) who will receive and reject it; (2) how it grows as God determines; and, (2) how it will grow way beyond their wildest imaginations.

When we get to chapter 5, we’ll see Jesus performing miracles to demonstrate that he is Lord over everything. He has authority over everything. He is the promised Messiah. He alone has authority over nature, the physical and spiritual realms. Here is the Big Idea for this message: Jesus has authority over nature.

Here is my fear: I worry that something so familiar might cause us to miss something beautiful – that you might get drowsy and nod off while moving through familiar waters on the Sea of Galilee. You’ve heard this story before – maybe have taught it – maybe have preached it. Today’s message can sound a bit devotionalistic. That’s a word I made up – meaning: Instead of good, sound, biblical preaching, you might feel a bit like you got your devotional thought for the day. That isn’t my goal and I’ll do my best not to make it seem that way.

Story: Recently, I woke up in the middle of the night and began to contemplate God. I was praying and just trying to wrap my mind around how big God is. I tried defining or understanding the trinity. That alone took me to depths of humility that are hard to explain. I think this can be a good exercise, but mostly leads to futility and frustration. The truth is that no mind can conceive the height and depth and breadth and width of God’s existence. He cannot be explained, contained or imagined.

Rev 4.2 simply describes this scene: At once I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne. And he who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian, and around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of an emerald. V4 describes the 24 elders and v 5 comes back to the throne: From the throne came flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder, and before the throne were burning seven torches of fire, which are the seven spirits of God, and before the throne there was as it were a sea of glass, like crystal.

Even with this description, my mind cannot begin to imagine God. Thankfully, God in his infinite mercy has given us Jesus so that we can begin somewhere – a starting point to understanding who God is. This in itself is no easy task. But, it is for us a starting point.

Who is this man Jesus? Who is this man who summons us, and calls us and commissions us to go with his message? The disciples think they know. At this point, they’re considered insiders, as opposed to the outsiders – the Scribes, the crowds following just looking to be fed or clothed. The disciples feel special. They’re hand picked. But do they really know what it means to follow after Jesus?

In today’s passage we’ll find six principles to following Christ as demonstrated through their actions. The 1st is found in v 35-36; rd v 35-36;

Principle #1:

1. Following Jesus means you can’t go with Jesus and stay with the crowd, too (35-36).

exp.: His command is a subj; translated as a command; it softens the command (i.e.: why don’t you take the garbage out to the trash can as you’re going; Let’s pick up your toys before we put the movie on. Both you and the child know that there is a command in the form of an encouragement. Rd v 36; just as he was (ESV)Gk – Lit.: as he was in the boat. HCSB – since he was already in the boat.

app.: so following Jesus means you obey. He says go and you go.

t.s.: following Jesus means you can’t go with Jesus and stay with the crowd, too. 2nd Principle:

2. Following Jesus doesn’t mean you will never have any problems (37)

exp.: rd v 37; there is a myth that we find way too many preachers pushing in their preaching which says give Jesus your life and your troubles will fly away. Think of Christ who died on the Cross, after being tortured. This is God in the flesh, and he had ‘troubles’. Think of Peter, James, Paul. These men gave their lives for Christ, but they still had troubles! The truth is, when you choose to follow Jesus, that doesn’t mean there won’t be problems.

I love the progression of this story: Notice 1st that Jesus told them to go. Jesus commands them to go. Now, being God, do you think He knew there would come a storm? Yes! So, Going, in obedience, they experienced this storm. Catch this: it isn’t because they disobeyed Christ that storms arose. That is what some preachers preach: you’re in this mess because of sin. No, They were doing as they were told!

Trials and tribulation comes our way and people ask what sin caused this struggle. The answer: Adam’s sin! It has affected us all. And it affects the world!

  • Windstorms
  • Big waves crashing into the boat – those are big waves!
  • The boat is filling up with water! What happens when a boat fills with water?

These guys got problems. Here is what gets me: these guys are experts when it comes to handling boats. This ain’t their 1st rodeo. But they’re not responding like Lt. Dan in Forrest Gump! They’re scared! And I think I know why they’re scared. Ready for this? They’re scared because they’re not in control. They were just fine when they were in control. But now, they’re not in control anymore. Things have gotten out of hand.

app.: Listen, Following Jesus doesn’t mean you won’t have any problems anymore.

t.s.: So what will they do? That leads us to our next principle, #3:

3. Following Jesus means you’re following someone who understands your need (38a)

exp.: rd v 38a; I love how Peter has recalled this story so vividly. He remembers small details. He remembers the cushion. He remembers Jesus was sleeping while they were at death’s door. But I get this. And, here’s what I want you to take from this verse: Jesus was 100% fully human – minus the sin part! He was asleep! In the stern; He’s human. You probably don’t realize the physical stamina it takes to preach, but it does. Exhausted from the day’s activity of preaching and teaching, his body needed rest. So, he curls up on a cushion.

app.: When your life seems out of control – or at least you come to the conclusion that you’re really not in control of things – there is one who can intercede for you because he understands your need. He understands your need for rest. He understands hunger, thirst. Hebrews 4 teaches us…

15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

t.s.: There is no one better equipped to handle your problems, than Jesus. Principle #4:

4. Following Jesus doesn’t make you immune to questioning God  (38b)

exp.: I changed this and made it more palatable from: Following Jesus doesn’t mean you’re immune to asking stupid questions. I liked that one better, but I know it isn’t politically correct anymore to say the word stupid. I don’t know why that word gets canned and so many other words of dubious distinction get a pass. But, stupid is a word – it means lacking intelligence or common sense. It is the common sense part I’d like to focus on. Seriously, rd v 38; I’ve asked this question of Jesus: Don’t you care! And I already know the answer. Have you ever asked a question you know the answer to?

Does Jesus care? Yes!

Does Jesus care who wins the Stanley Cup or the NBA finals? No! But he does care about your life. You know that. The Disciples know that…

app.: But following Jesus doesn’t make you immune to questioning God.

t.s.: Principle #5:

5. Following Jesus means watching him work in amazing, inexplicable ways. (39)

exp.: rd v 39; rebuked the wind! Have you ever rebuked the wind? Possibly. What good did it do? He spoke to the sea! Peace; like shalom? No. This word is more like Be Quiet. Jesus wouldn’t say shut up, so I’m sure it was Be Quiet. Silence! Continue reading: And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

ill.: Paul White (Tall Paul) used to invite me down each year to be a teacher at his Disciple Now weekends. Paul always hosted the best DNows. One year, he brought us all down to Corpus Christi a day early. As a part of the training, he took us out on a sailboat in the Corpus Christi Bay. It was a big sailboat. The problem was – there was no wind. So we just sat there. We had a motor and so we cruised around for a little while, but it wasn’t really that fun.

app.: the disciple had no motor. With no wind now, Christ having answered their prayers, they’ve got some major rowing to do!

t.s.: Finally, principle #6:

6. Following Jesus through the storms of life will give us a proper perspective of who Christ really is (40-41).

exp.: I worry about this point. I think too often people use this story as a metaphor for life: Jesus will speak peace to the storms of your life. He can. He might. But he might not. But that isn’t the point. The point is NOT that Christ can speak peace to your storm. The point is that He is Lord and he has authority even over the natural realm. And even more, the point here, the emphasis of Mark’s story is to show you that Christ is Lord over Nature. Remember, Christ is Lord over

  • The natural
  • The spiritual
  • The physical
    • And even death (which seems to me to be a combo of all three.)

Now, these verses identify that the disciples fear the wrong things. In v 40-41 we find one word that appears twice. Fear. However, that is not the case in the Gk text. The first word translated afraid, appears three times in the NT and it means cowardly, timid.

Revelation 21.8: But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” So, read our text this way: Why are you so cowardly? Why are you such cowards? Let me ask you: Does that change your understanding of what Christ is saying to these disciples? Why are you such cowards!

ill.: Do you ever feel that way? Problems arise, struggles occur and you find yourself acting like a sissy? God, don’t you care? I have to say that I’m amazed at how many of us respond to life’s struggles with fear and in trepidation. I watch people fall apart over some of the simplest of life’s problems.

I think this goes back to the problems the disciples are having: their problem is they’re no longer in control. Maybe that is the root of your problem: you’re no longer in control – and you want to be. And it causes you to act like a coward who has no faith.

What are we really saying to God as he works in our lives and we respond like this? We’re saying that we don’t really trust him. Not really…

app.: Here, in our text, we see the disciples learn what to fear and what not to fear… or maybe I should say who to fear – and what not to fear; rd v 41a; rd 41b;

t.s.: Who is this? This is the Lord. This is God.


  1. This is the very One who created the wind and the sea!
  2. This is the One who sends us into storms and knows what he is doing.
  3. This is the One who has power to stop those storms with just a rebuke and a word.
  4. This is the One who knows our needs and cares.
  5. This is the One who is patient with us, in spite of our sinful condition and desire to be in control.
  6. This is God in the flesh.

Invitation: if you don’t know this God – Jesus, I offer you the chance to meet him today. Come and find forgiveness of sins and purpose for you life.

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Filed under Christian Living, Faith, Mark, Scripture

Mark 4.26-34

Title: A Word of Encouragement

Text: Mark 4.21-34

Introduction: Farmers have always amazed me. I must say Farmers and Ranchers. My grandpa was a farmer – a sharecropper. Mr. Wade owned the property and my grandpa would farm his land. The produce paid his rent, helped him make a living. As far as I know, my grandpa worked the land until he died at the age of 75 in 1978. Farmers are hard working people. They rise early and work all day. I suppose there might be lazy farmers out there, but I’m guessing they don’t remain farmers for very long.

Ill.: If you haven’t seen this video from Cindy, I highly recommend it!

I think it is the work ethic that amazes me. Usually there is always something to be done. When that work is done, attention is put somewhere else. Something needs tending. Something else needs repair. There are errands to run, equipment to maintain, etc. etc. etc.

The life of a farmer is hard. He must work like it all depends on him, but in the end, he must pray like everything depends on God. The farmer has no power or control over the weather. He can’t make it rain; He can’t cool off the hot summer days; he can’t stop a freeze from hitting. He works, He prays, He waits.

I think often times the Christian life compares to the life of a farmer. For sure, the life of a pastor compares. He works the soil of the soul, but he cannot produce a single convert. There are so many adversities he faces – and he has no power or control over them. We both simply work like it all depends on us and pray like it all depends on God.

We’re in Mark 4 this morning and our topic comes from the agricultural theme of planting and harvesting. Mark 4 contains three parables concerning the Kingdom of God. The three parables have the same subject of seeds but are about large harvests. In the 1st parable, this seed is the Word of God as brought by Jesus, the sower. And, when the seeds are sown, the receptive soil results with large numbers (30, 60, 100-fold). These next two parables deal with the nature of the Kingdom of God and the abundant harvest it yielded. Having covered the 1st parable already, we’ll cover the next two in this section.

A quick note about triplets: Mark seems to like them. There are three types of soil that are non-receptive and non-productive; and, there are the three results of the fertile soil. There are three parables concerning the seed. In chapter five, there are three miraculous healings. There are more, I’ll leave that for you to research and share with us on Wednesday night.

Our focal passage (4.21-34) is broken down into three parts: Part one has two sayings by Jesus, analogies, if you will (21-25) and we looked at that last week. Parts two and three contain two parables concerning the seed (4.26-34). We’ll look at these together this morning. The two parables are a continuation of what he started up in 4.1. The three parables are the seed being sown, the seed being grown and the results being shown.

In chapter 4 there are two different audiences being addressed in different locations at different times. The chapter moves between the public speaking by the sea to a huge crowd and the smaller, more intimate conversations of Christ with his disciples. By the time we get to the end of the chapter, we’re back to the larger crowd by the sea. (Note v 11, 13, 21, 24 – And he said to them. However, in v 26, it changes).

What we have when we break this passage down is a word of encouragement – an exhortation. The Light of Christ isn’t to be hidden. God himself, will bring the growth and that growth will be exponential in degree.

Transition: We looked last week at the analogies he offers his disciples in v 21 and v 24. The point being made was that… #1:

I. The Light of Christ is not to be hidden. (21-25)

Transition: So this 1st word of encouragement Jesus shares with his disciples is The Light of Christ is not to be hidden. Now Jesus moves back to the parables. Here, Jesus offers us a 2nd word of encouragement:

II. God Brings Growth to His Kingdom (26-29)

exp.: read vs. 26-29;

ill.: I’ll never forget traveling to the Shepherd’s Conference in California some years ago and hearing Dr. John MacArthur preach from this text (v26-29). Did you know that this parable is contained in no other gospel? You’ll find it only here in Mark. In the first parable, Jesus spoke of the different types of soil the seed is sown in, among, or upon. That parable taught of the different types of soils and their receptivity to the seed. Here, Christ teaches of the seed and its innate ability to germinate and develop on its own.

The teaching is straightforward and simple: The Word of God (seed) has the ability all on its own to bring about growth and success. The Word of God is powerful and effective. It can accomplish so much on its own. It is the Word that is heard and it, all on it’s own, brings about the change, the growth, and the fruit. Two Truths we learn about the Kingdom’s growth.

Truth #1: There is a mystery to this growth. Only God knows what he is doing.

app.: We’re told a man scatters seed. Then, he works; night and day, he sleeps, he rises, he works, he sleeps, he rises, he works – he goes about his daily life working the soil. The seed sprouts and grows – and the man knows not how. The man sows, he works – but what we learn here is that the results are not up to the man. There is a mystery surrounding the process. The results belong to God. And here we learn a 2nd Truth.

Truth #2: There is a certainty to this growth.

The 1st word in v 28 is the Gk word for which we get our English word automatic: αὐτομάτη. Lit.: Automatically the earth (ground) bears fruit.

Herein lies another great teaching moment: It isn’t up to you to make the seed germinate. It isn’t up to you to make it sprout. It isn’t up to you to produce a blade, a stalk, a stem, the grain. Your job is simply to sow the Word, work the soil and let the seed do what seeds do when they’ve been planted in the soil of another’s soul. And v 29 tells us that there will be a harvest: that sown seed will grow and bring about a tremendous harvest. Rd v 29;

I think there is an apocalyptic feel to this verse. V 29 sounds very much like the book of Revelation. Revelation 14.15f: 15 And another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud, “Put in your sickle, and reap, for the hour to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.” 16 So he who sat on the cloud swung his sickle across the earth, and the earth was reaped.

I must stop here and say I believe this day is close. I also believe that many who are here will experience this in our lifetime. I know, I know, I must sound foolish to many. A couple of thousand of years have past and it hasn’t happened. This year, Israel celebrated it 71st birthday! It was in May of 1948 that Israel became a nation…again. After nearly 2000 years of non-existence, Israel came home and declared her independence. I believe our time to do this work is short. And I believe it is going to get harder.

Now, Back to our story: In one sense, yes, this sounds singular. You sow the seed of God into a person’s heart. They hear and all on it’s own, by its own work, the person is saved. The seed reaps fruit. But in another sense, the kingdom of God is sown among a people – and all on it’s own it grows. It starts with a man from Nazareth. He is homeless and simple. He picks a few followers – a rag tag group of men: a zealot, a tax collector, a traitor, a kid, and some fishermen. It grows – and we don’t know how, but it will grow into something tremendous and huge.

t.s.: And that really is the lesson of this last parable in v 30-33; Our 1st Word of encouragement is: To let the Light of Christ Shine. The 2nd word of encouragement is to know w/ certainty that God will bring the growth. #3…

III. Growth of the Kingdom will be Exponentially Incomparable (30-33)

Warning: this should be our prayer – Lord, bring this growth exponentially for us! But not for… all of these wrong reasons (so our church gets bigger; so we have the finances to do what we want to do; etc.).

exp.: rd v 30; rd v 31-32; now, there are those who have said the Bible can be disclaimed at this point, the mustard seed, is not the smallest seed in the world. Let me note for you that Christ’s goal here isn’t botany. It isn’t to teach agricultural principles. Christ’s purpose here is to teach on the Kingdom and to illustrate these truths from what the people already know. Here, Christ takes a proverb that was very common to them. He takes them from where they are and what they know to where he wants them to be. That’s what every good teacher does. In their ancient sayings, in one of their own proverbs, they knew of this mustard seed and how small it was compared to the tree it would become. It was in many common gardens. It looks like shaking pepper into your hand. And yet it becomes this tree. Amazing!

I know there are questions here. I will address this issue Wednesday night. I’ll take the time to demonstrate for you why this makes sense outside of our 21st Century, western philosophy thinking. – But don’t miss the point: a very little seed produces a tremendously huge plant. – We see that for the individual. We see that for the Kingdom.

When Christ came the 1st time, he taught and preached and healed. It was small at first, but his 2nd coming will be different by far. He will come in power and glory. One day, people from every tribe, tongue, nation, people group will be gathered around the throne. Myriads upon myriads of people will be worshipping around the throne of God. How small it once was. How magnificent it will be.

Conclusion: What a great word for us today. You may be struggling today in your walk, in your faith. You’ve worked long and hard and it feels like you’re not getting anywhere. It may feel like you’ve failed even. Listen, don’t give up and don’t give in. I’m reminded of how Paul encouraged the Galatian believers:

 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Therefore, let your light shine before men. Don’t hide it! God will use it to bring growth and an eventual magnificent harvest. Remember what William Carey said: Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.

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Mark 4.21-25

Title: Expect Great Things from God; Attempt Great Things for God

Text: Mark 4.21-25

Introduction: It is William Carey who said: Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God. The father of the modern missionary movement was an amazing man. He practiced just what he preached: He expected God to do great things and he attempted to do great things for God.

I’m guessing that William Carey understood the texts we studied last week in John and the call or command to bear fruit and continue the works of Christ. He had a deep comprehension of the symbiotic relationship between obedience to Christ and love for Christ. If you love me you will…

We’re continuing our study in Mark 4 this morning. And, as we look at our text (Mark 4.21-25) we’ll see that same connection: There is something unique in the way we work as if it all depends on us, but God is the one who accomplishes the work.

Mark 4 contains three parables concerning the Kingdom of God. The three parables deal with seed in some context. In the 1st parable, this seed represents the Word of God as brought by Jesus, the sower. More specifically though, the 1st parable is about the responses to the Kingdom of God as seen in the soils. These next two parables in verses 26-34 deal with the nature of the Kingdom of God. Having covered the 1st parable already, we’ll cover the next two next week.

But something interesting happens in the midst of the parables of the seeds: Jesus gives an analogy. You might see it as two, but I think it is one and the same.

You probably see it as the illustration of the lamp and the challenge to ‘measure’ it out to others. But just how do these fit together?

Let’s look a little closer at what Mark is telling us. The beauty of this passage is seen in its original language. V 21 literally reads: The lamp does not come in order that it might be put under the basket. That is odd, isn’t it? The English has been changed in order to make sense to our minds, but it isn’t so in the Gk. A lamp doesn’t come into a room; it is brought into a room. A lamp is simply passive to the will of another.

Ill.: when I arose this morning, I had to turn on the lamp in my living room so that I could see. It didn’t notice me and then turn itself on because it was dark.

 Note, though in our text:

  • The lamp isn’t passive. The Lamp is active.
  • The lamp has a definite article.

We often run to the conclusion that this means, we’re to let our light shine before men. And that’ll preach for this morning: Go, let your light shine! But I don’t think that is what Jesus is communicating. He’s been saying to them that he is speaking in parables because… look at v 11 “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables… and then he quotes from Isaiah.

But now he talks about a lamp set on a lampstand to give light to everyone. So, what does Jesus mean? He tells us in v 22: 22 For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light. I think he is saying that what is hidden for the moment, will be revealed. This message of the Kingdom will be preached boldly.

There is something else here that I find interesting:

1st, the word measure in verse 24 also appears in v 21. It is the word translated basket or bushel

2nd, the word measure in v 24 actually appears 3x’s in v 24: with the measure you measure, it will be measured to you. It almost sounds negative: what goes around, comes around, Buddy! He’s not saying you reap what you sow, but rather, He who sows sparingly, reaps sparingly. He who sows abundantly reaps abundantly.

The message of the Kingdom of God – The Gospel will be clearly seen. It will be accepted and received, or it will be rejected and turned away.

Rd v 25; Be responsible with this incredible message you have.

Ill.: When I was a Youth pastor our kids had a skit they would do for whatever activity we were involved in…i.e.: youth camp, revivals, retreats, choir tour, etc. (Demonstrate the skit.)

Application – Moral: love isn’t love unless you give it away. And, if you don’t give it away, you don’t really have it. And these two analogies are teaching us that this message of light is something that isn’t to be hidden, but rather to be shared. If it isn’t shared, it isn’t really light. And, it must be shared in abundance. It matches the 1st parable. Where it isn’t sown, it isn’t grown; however, we’re commanded to go and sow, in order that we might reap 30, 60, even 100 fold! We’ll look more at the other seed parables next week.

Conclusion: Something interesting has happened over the past few weeks in our studies together in Mark and John: Jesus is going to die. He is going to leave them. He isn’t going to be with them much longer. The work is being passed to them. Parables won’t be needed soon. The disciples will be blunt and direct. This Jesus, whom you killed they will say, has risen from the dead.

You and I have inherited this mission.

Here is where William Carey connects with us because he is preaching to us: Expect great things from God: attempt great things for God. Today, we’ll have an opportunity to mingle with people from our community. They’ll be coming in from all around for the BBQ Fundraiser for TVFD. We’ve distributed 1200 tickets to the children in Bandera and Utopia. We’ll have Bounce Houses and Snow Cone machines and other activities for children. There are so many areas of service, and we need disciples to expect great things from God; and attempt great things for God. You might just exchange hellos and introductions. Or, you may have a chance to plant some seeds. Who knows what God is doing? Let’s pray.

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Filed under Evangelism, Mark, Scripture