Monthly Archives: May 2022

1 Corinthians 7

Title: Relationships: To Be or Not to Be … married

Text: 1 Corinthians 7

Introduction: Ps 119.18

The focus of our study these recent weeks in 1 Corinthians is answering the question: What does a healthy church look like? What are the marks of a healthy church?

Many of you are gardeners. I assume you look at your plants and ask yourself – maybe not out loud, but surely in some fashion – what can I do to make my plants grow, thrive, and produce? If you’re not getting what you think you should, you ask yourself – and probably out loud to the plants – why do you look so bad? Are they not getting the water they need? Are you watering too much? Are you watering the wrong way or at the wrong time? Are there nutrients in the soil? Is some animal or creature hurting these plants, stealing the fruit? If you’re new at gardening, you ask yourself: what are the signs of a healthy plant.

And then, you make a course correction in the way you tend your garden until the plants are healthy and productive.

As we begin the journey through chapter 7, I’d like to answer a couple of questions before you even know to ask them.

  1. Let’s begin by looking at verse 1; rd v1; this phrase now concerning, is used a few times over the next couple of chapters to address some questions that were apparently asked of Paul in the letter he received from the Corinthians. v 25.
  2. In answering their questions, he will clarify for them the strength of his answers by where the answer comes; Rd v 10a, 12a; 25; 40; when we see this, one wonders does this mean that it isn’t inspired by God; Answer: It is! All Scripture is God-Breathed.
  3. Here is another question that might arise as you read his instructions: Was their situation particular to them alone? And, therefore, would that concern us? rd v 26; some have said that their situation (present distress) was particular to them and doesn’t apply to us. I disagree. The situation itself is unique for that moment, for that church; however, the principles of the relationship dynamic would still apply to the universal church. I’ll explain this in greater when we get there.
  4. Verse one is a colloquialism used in that day. We still use it today and many like it. Rd v 1; actually, a closer, word for word translation would be: good to a man a woman not to touch. But that isn’t even a literal word-for-word translation: good to a man a woman not to kindle. This word for ‘fire/kindle’ is found also in Acts 28.1-2; The specific teaching was a euphemism used to describe the intimacy between a man and a woman; it appears that there was a ‘false teaching’ going around the church at Corinth that intimacy was wrong, therefore, marriage shouldn’t take place.

Transition: So, Paul answers this question and says… Answer #1:

I. Get Married (2-9)

exp.: rd v 2-5; so, Paul gives a basic outline of what is right between a man and a woman (who are married BTW); in v 6-9 he gives a quick synopsis of v 25-40; There is better and there is best; it is best to remain single, but you don’t have to – and, you’re not in sin if you choose to marry; so, get married;

t.s.: and in v 10, he gives another answer…Answer #2;

II. Stay Married (10-11)

exp.: rd v 10-11; Get married and stay married; even if you separate, remain unmarried because there is always the hope of reconciliation; this word ‘separate’ means divorce; Mt 19.6; what God has joined together, let no man separate; and Rom 8.35ff; Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? 36 As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

app.: So, don’t divorce (and you know what God thinks about Divorce – Mal 2.16 – He hates it), but if it happens – don’t marry someone else (because technically you’re still married); Mt 5.31-32; why is it adultery? Because she or he is still married!

Ill.: Bro. Don used an example years ago: An epoxy is created when you combine two separate compounds to form one. There is the epoxy resin and a 2nd compound, a hardener. Typically, these two compounds are stored in separate containers. Two tubes, when I was a kid. Today, you might find them in two separate syringes that join together when you press the syringes.

The mixing of the compounds forms a chemical reaction between the two separate pieces – which bind them together. The epoxy is so strong after this chemical reaction, that to break it, you damage both two pieces. Parts of both pieces splinter and remain with the other.

You may say, Oh, I’ve separated these two pieces, but the reality is that they’ve still parts of each one joined together with the other!

Ill.: one more – just for fun. Consider the difference between relationship and fellowship. Many of us have relationships through birth and marriage. You say that person is in my family. So, that is the relationship you have with that family member. For me, it is my biological mother. I never really knew here. But she was still my ‘mother’. As for fellowship – there was none. Relationship vs. Fellowship.

There is a man I know and love, from a church I used to serve in. As a new pastor, we were driving down the road in our small town and there was a man who looked exactly like my friend. We looked at him and he looked at us. No response. No Hello, no wave of the hand, no smile. Nothing. Nothing more than if you were in your front yard and watched a bird fly from one limb to another. I was like, “Dude, that man looks just like you!” He said, “yeah, he’s my brother.” Turns out, that was his relationship. But come to find out and it was that way the whole time I lived there. They didn’t speak. Relationship vs. Fellowship.

You can get divorced. You can never speak to each other again, but you’re still married.

t.s.: So Get Married and Stay Married; The 3rd answer he gives is…

III. Work on your Marriage (12-16)

exp.: rd v 12-13; don’t simply leave a spouse because they are non-believers; stick with it and work on that marriage; rd v 14; your godly life will impact theirs; who knows but that they might get saved! Your children need that godly influence, too. Now, I wish to address what Paul is talking about culturally:

  1. Arranged marriages
  2. A spouse becomes a believer in the course of time
  3. He’s not talking about a believer marrying a non-believer. 2 Cor 6.14;

app.: in their society and culture, as in ours, divorce came easily; Paul was saying, stay and work on your marriage; w/ God, there is always hope.

t.s.: Now, I’d like to skip v 17-24 for a moment and move to Paul’s 4th answer:

IV. Some should not marry (25-40)

exp.: rd v 25; before we look at his specific answer, I think it is important to gain an understanding of the Gk culture; two separate philosophies:

  • The Ascetics – this guy is a monk; he denies himself all worldly pleasures; the 2nd group…
  • The Epicureans – taught that it was fine to feed your physical desires because the physical didn’t touch the spiritual. Paul wants to refute both ideas; rd v 26; so now Paul gives us the 4th answer: Some should not marry. But, why? He gives them 4 reasons:
  1. The Present Distress (26); Evidently, there was a present struggle in their society. Paul was saying It’s easier when you’re alone (Ecc 4.9-12); rd v 27; if you’re not married, don’t seek to be, but if you are, don’t try to get out of it; now he gives us the 2nd reason for some not to marry; rd v 28;
  2. Worldly Troubles (28); simply put, I want to spare you that; and quickly, he gives a 3rd reason; rd v 29;
  3. Time is Short (29-31); there are two words in the Gk for time:
    1. Chronos – Chronology; deals with a period or duration of time;
    2. Kairos – deals with a specific time, or as the ESV translates it – an appointed time; Life is short and the appointed time of Christ’s return is very soon. He continues; rd v 30-31. This present world is passing away, and in v 32-34a he gives the 4th reason;
  4. Because of the Preoccupation involved in Marriage and Family; rd v 23-34a;

Conclusion: I’d like to return to v 17-24; rd 17-24; I think this hits home for us!

  • Don’t always be trying to change your present circumstances; be content in where you are!
  • Don’t try to rid yourself of your Jewish marks or to gain them; Be content with who you are!
  • Don’t try to escape your responsibilities or even change them, but if God opens up the opportunity, by all means, avail yourselves of them. Be content with how you are doing!
  • Your 1st responsibility is to God (23) and His glory! And that is in your marriage, in your job, in your life. Be Content in God!

But you might ask: How can I bring glory to God now? I’ve messed up so many times in the past? Answer: Grace. If you’re sitting here this morning or watching via the stream, understand that we’re all sinners and we all need God’s grace. Your failures, my failures, your sin, my sin, your rebellion and my rebellion are real. It all needs the grace of God.

I worry that too many folks will just get down because of their past. That isn’t the point. The point is grace and forgiveness! So, you didn’t do things right in the past. Too many folks let that be their focal point. You don’t have to stay there in the past – repent and ask God for forgiveness.

  1. God will be glorified through our successes and failures. I prefer it be my successes, but my failures prove him right, too! Here is the concept of repentance: repentance is simply acknowledging that God is right, and I was wrong.
  2. Maybe there is some repentance that needs to take place. The beauty of a bad situation is mercy. In God’s infinite mercy, he has provided a way for us to experience forgiveness and mercy through our repentance – the turning away from our sin.

Father, I haven’t done things the way you’ve designed. I’ve made decisions that showed I was really lord of my life. Please forgive me.

If you have already done this… trust in what God says: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Finally, I want to say a word about what happened in Uvalde this past week. 22 people dead at the hands of a sick individual. In Luke 13.1, Jesus was confronted about a tragedy that took place in his time. 13 There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

First, this isn’t a ‘how-to’ on addressing people who are going through such a tragedy. Jesus isn’t speaking to the victims or those who suffered a loss in the tower falling. He’s addressing people who are critical of those victims. You see they assumed that those people suffered because they had sinned. The reality of sin is that it doesn’t just affect the sinner, but it affects all of us. I sin and you’re affected.

Do you remember in John 9, the disciples asked Jesus of the blind man: who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus said neither, but that God’s glory might be displayed in him.

The tower didn’t fall on these people because they were worse sinners than others. And those Galileans didn’t die horrible deaths because they were worse sinners than other Galileans.

But here is the lesson: 1. Everyone is a sinner, and none is any worse or any better than any other. 2. Everyone dies and no one really knows when or where or how it will be. Some people die young and some die old. But everyone dies. Therefore, Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to call for repentance because we’re all sinners in need of forgiveness. And then we should live our lives for God – for His Glory!

In reference to Uvalde, some of you may be asking what can you do? Alto Frio needs folks to volunteer every day to help care for the ~150 Law Enforcement officers from around the state who are serving in the Uvalde Area. And the 25 or so members from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association working in Uvalde. Alto Frio needs workers, money, and items. Call Kim St. Clair at 830-834-9210 and see how you can volunteer.

There is also a place online at where you can donate.

I got word this weekend that some folks from Tarpley Baptist drove over Friday and volunteered to get the camp ready to receive those officers and workers from Billy Graham’s Center.

Whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all for the glory of God in your life.

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Filed under 1 Corinthians, Luke, Scripture, Sermon

1 Corinthians 5&6

Title: Relationships Inside the Church: Judge One Another

Text: 1 Corinthians 5&6

Introduction: Ps 119.18 –

In April 2017, Two women came to church – one was late (which seemed to be her modus operandi) the other was early (as too, was her MO). The late lady was a busy lady. She seemed to be successful in the eyes of the world – a County Commissioner and employed at the local state university. The other lady was punctual, hard-working, and of retired age.

There was a rift between the two women who both had responsibility within the church. One area they worked together was that they both prepared the Lord’s Supper. If I understand the situation, their church would have different folks prepare the Lord’s Supper – I suppose like a rotating service.

On this particular Sunday, the younger woman was late as usual. The older lady had grown tired of the younger woman’s inability to correct her tardiness. She felt the younger woman was arrogant and felt entitled – I suppose to her success. So the elderly woman put together the Lord’s supper and retreated to the pastor’s office. She wanted to let him know it was ready.

In comes the younger woman and skirmish breaks – the pastor steps in, but it is too late. The older lady is injured. The police are called. The younger woman is arrested.

I want to talk to you this morning about relationships within the church.

There are many verses in the Bible that are popular: John 3.16, Jeremiah 33.3; Romans 3.23; 6.23; Gal 2.20; etc. Mt 7.1 is quite popular, though many don’t know the reference. They quote it quite often but have no idea where it is in the bible. Turn there with me and read; 7.6; So, what does this mean? What are “holy” & “pearls” in the story? Paul clarifies for us in the following 2 chapters that we don’t judge lost people – God will do that. We judge each other! I’ll come back to that…let that stew for a moment.

The Focus of a Healthy Church: Blessings, Unity, and Leadership. Today we move to relationships, an important part of unity. Have you heard the slogan: Unity at any cost! It really is a bad idea. We see it in many mainline denominations today, compromising Biblical Truths for peace within their denominations. Here in Corinthians, Paul calls for unity, but that unity must be based on Scripture. There are core biblical beliefs that unify a church. And Paul’s call to them for unity was against the sin that was in the body. The Church must deal with Sin within the Body!

In the following 2 chapters, Paul outlines why brothers are to judge each other; In Corinth, there was a young man who began shacking up with his father’s wife…let’s read about it in v 1; this is so nasty, that even the world disapproves! Rd v 2; So here is the Call: pass Judgment on your brother and expel him from your midst! Beginning now, in v 3, Paul offers 6 reasons to pass judgment on church members.

  • For His Benefit
  • For Our Purity
  • For the Sake of Obedience
  • For Our Witness
  • For Our Benefit
  • For the Glory of God

The Passing of Judgment upon a brother is:

I. For His Benefit (5.1-5)

exp.: rd v 3-5; clearly, here is the reason – that his soul may be saved; When someone acts this way, they’re clearly saying I’m not a believer; it doesn’t mean he is a non-believer, but if he’s acting that way, he just might be. You see, lost people act lost. Saved people act saved. That’s the assumption. Now, sometimes, some saved people act lost, but they’re not. They need to be corrected so that they can act like saved people again.

app.: Someone must confront the wayward person and clarify: are they lost or saved? When the church confronts the brother (or sister), there should be conviction, confession, and repentance; if this brother or sister chooses not to repent, then the church has no choice but to treat the brother like he’s acting – expel him;

t.s.: for his own good – that his soul may be saved; and v6 tells us the 2nd reason, The Passing of Judgment upon a brother is:

II. For Our Purity (6-8)

exp.: rd v 6-8; Paul uses some imagery from the Jewish Religion; I think it is safe to assume these Gentiles would understand what he’s talking about; v 6 says that a little sin in the batch, permeates the whole batch; the bad part must be cut out! Why? He’s alluding to the Festival of Unleavened Bread; On the 1st day of Unleavened Bread, the Passover lamb is sacrificed. It was customary for the husband to walk through the whole house looking for some leaven. When he found it, he would scoop it out and do away with it, thus cleansing his house. In like manner, we too must cleanse our house, cutting out any sin that stains her. But, Paul clarifies a point for us in v 7, that sounds kind of confusing: rd v 7; he’s not advocating that our righteousness is gained through simple obedience, but rather our obedience is a sign of our righteousness imputed to us through Christ. So, sometimes saved people act lost, but sometimes there are lost people in the church who really aren’t saved; they’ve not committed their life to Christ. Their sinful behavior is a poor reflection upon the church within the community the church dwells. Rd v 8;

ill.: lemonade w/ the youth! And I spit in it!

app.: Hey, a little sin in the body of Christ is nasty to God!

t.s.: So we pass judgment on our brother for his own benefit, for our purity, and the third reason…

III. For the Sake of Obedience (9-13)

exp.: simply put, Christians live in obedience to God. He is who we serve. He is our master. rd v 9-10; this doesn’t mean ignoring lost people! No, we can and should associate with lost folks – that’s how they get saved! -rd 11-13;

Paul also clarifies for us what was mentioned in the introduction: we’re not to judge outsiders (non-members), but rather only members; We’re supposed to be active among the lost, how else will we ever influence them? We’re just not supposed to behave like them!

App.: Lost people need to see the difference. They need to know that there is a difference besides getting up a little earlier on Sunday!

And when one of us does move into the realm of disobedience when one of us is bringing shame to the cause of Christ – that’s when we are to heed v 13; rd v 13;

t.s.: Fourth, The Passing of Judgment upon a brother is:

IV. For Our Witness (6.1-6)

exp.: rd v 1-3; it is our destiny to judge; I don’t know how this will happen; I only know it will; Dan 7.22; It isn’t explained elsewhere in the NT, except for maybe Matthew 19.28 (which is the reference where Jesus says the disciples will sit on 12 thrones and judge the 12 tribes of Israel. However, Paul speaks of it as if they know what he’s talking about; this is not contradictory to 5.12a; that (5.12) is in the now, this is in the future; rd v 4-6; and that before unbelievers! What a statement!

ill.: we err when we…

  1. We think everyone out there is Christian… there are lost people skeptically watching
  2. We don’t work for unity w/in the body… and take the fight out there.
  3. We air our dirty laundry…

app.: This is to our shame when we fail to take care of ourselves and leave these things to people who have no standard like we do! It is a poor witness and the lost say, why would I want to be a part of something like that!

t.s.: We should pass judgment within our own walls because it hurts our witness when we take these things outside the church… 5thly, the Passing of Judgment upon a brother is…

V. For Our Benefit (7-11)

exp.: rd v 7; When we don’t pass judgment like we should, we hurt ourselves and each other; it’s like we’re already defeated! Why not rather just be wronged rather than to take someone to court! This is so hard to do; Rd v 8; but instead, we hurt each other by treating each other in this manner.

app.: here is what benefits us:

  1. Just be wronged. Forgive the person and move on. Rd 9-11
  2. Ask for mediation between the two of you. If it is so bad that you can’t rectify this between the two of you, agree on a mediator.
  3. And if that doesn’t work – seek someone within the body to be an arbitrator – someone whose judgment will be final.

t.s.: But there is one final reason Paul gives in passing judgment upon a brother…

VI. For the Glory of God (12-20)

exp.: rd v 12-17; such behavior is harmful and destructive; to the person himself, to the body of believers, and to the glory of God; rd v18-20;

Conclusion: Bought w/ a price!

  1. You no longer sit on the throne of your heart. You surrendered that to Christ and his Holy Spirit took up residence in your soul. Rd v 19
  2. You are not your own… you don’t live life your way anymore – you surrendered your rights to Christ. Rd v 20
  3. The goal of our relationships is to bring glory to God.

Do you remember the story of the two women? Push came to shove… I mean that literally, and the older lady got hurt. Her arm was broken and damaged. Police were called, charges were filed, one lady got arrested, and the media had a hay day! I mean it was on every channel and in the newspaper! The younger woman refused to admit that she injured the old lady. The young lady felt that she had been wronged by the older lady trying to prove how arrogant she was. She wasn’t arrogant, she simply was right!

Maybe she was right in what happened with the Lord’s supper. Maybe the old woman was cantankerous. But the younger woman would not give in and ended up taking this thing to court.

The prosecutor brought in 2 witnesses on the first day. On the 2nd day, he presented three more witnesses. After lunch, things didn’t continue – and come to find out, the defense was frantically working to work out a plea deal. The younger lady faced 10 years in prison and up to $10,000.00 in fines. A plea deal was struck and they all returned to the courtroom.

It came out at the trial that the women had been having trouble in their relationship. The pastor met with the older woman, but the younger woman refused to counsel together to work out their problems. And because of her refusal – push came to shove, and someone got hurt.

My guess – is both women were wrong. Both women should have been corrected a long time ago. The end product – the church was publicly shamed. A lost world said, “That’s why I don’t go to church!”

What do I want you to take home with you?

  1. Relationships are important. They’re essential to unity and leadership.
  2. How we live out our relationships communicates the gospel to the world. I’m talking about forgiveness, compassion, and humility. Y’all, either this stuff is true, or it isn’t.
  3. Where there is sin, it must be confronted and taken care of in the body.
    1. For his benefit
    2. For our purity
    3. For the sake of obedience
    4. For our witness in the world
    5. For our benefit
    6. And for the Glory of God!

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Filed under 1 Corinthians, Church Discipline, Matthew, Scripture, Sermon

1 Corinthians 4.1-21

Title: A Christ-Centered Leader

Text: 1 Cor 4.1-21

Ps 119.18; Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous truths out of your law.

A quick word about my usage of the pronouns ‘he’ and ‘him’. I was raised to write using masculine pronouns. I mean no offense by simply saying ‘he’ when referring to an individual. I’m talking about leaders today and God calls both men and women to lead. The only position of authority I see where only men serve within the Church is in the role of Pastor/Elder.

I understand clearly from Scripture that women can serve anywhere else in the church. Hear me now, I even understand Scripture referring to women who serve in the official capacity as servants or deacons.

I was planning to focus my Wednesday night study on the area of being a ‘people pleaser’. But, if you would like, I can turn the focus for this WEBS to women in ministry.

So, when I say he or him, only in reference to the role of pastor/elder/bishop/overseer do I mean only men. Otherwise, ladies, if God calls you into a leadership role – this applies to you, too! 2nd, maybe this morning you’d say that you don’t serve in some sort of leadership position within the church. This message is for you, too. In that, you have a responsibility as a member to be careful in selecting people for positions of service. God has organized the body to be served by qualified individuals. You, as a regular member, must be careful before God when putting people in such positions. So, while I may seem to be pointing the finger at Christ-centered leaders, I’m also speaking to the church body as a whole.

We’re right in the middle of a sermon series on The Focus of a Healthy Church. The previous two weeks we focused on Our Blessings and Our Unity. Today, we turn our focus to Our Leaders.

Introduction: When I was a new pastor, I had never been a part of choosing adult leaders, namely deacons. We were in a Business mtg, and before I knew what had happened, the church voted for a man to become a deacon, without vetting him first. A Woman in the church wanted to get her son active in church, so on the spur of the moment, she nominated her son to be a deacon. There was a 2nd and a vote. I couldn’t believe what had just happened in a matter of seconds.

The guy was nice, but deacon material he wasn’t. He didn’t even go to church. His mom had hoped that he would begin attending if he knew he was a deacon. The selection of deacons and elders is an important function of a church. The church should be very careful who she chooses to lead her.

Paul had been concerned for the Corinthians who had divided their loyalties among men, some of whom were not godly men. These men had been leading them astray, they were unfaithful, and their teaching was heretical. Paul warns the Corinthians of the importance of their leaders being godly, Christ-centered men.

And in this section, Paul gives us Five Traits of a Christ-Centered Leader:

I. His Identity is Christ-Centered (1a)

exp.: rd v 1; regard us; servants & stewards

  • He is a servant – of Christ; servant – not διάκονος as in ch. 3; but rather ὑπηρέτης (hypēretēs); Fee: This word originated to describe the slaves who rowed in the lower tier of a trireme. Eventually, it came to be used of any who were in a subservient position, with emphasis on the relationship of one who served a superior. Also, he says of this word, that it is a more general term, but often refers to one who has the duties of administering the affairs of another.
  • He is a steward; οἰκονόμος (oikonomos); this word is more like the word for which we get deacon. This word represents someone with authority and responsibility – He’s not the boss, he just represents the boss; he’s been given the authority of the master’s things.

ill.: The picture we use here was Joseph, son of Jacob; He was still a slave but was given the keys to the house of Potiphar.

app.: A good leader knows who he is in Christ and that he works for Christ. He’s not the boss – he only represents the boss. He manages the affairs of the master’s Household.

t.s.: He takes care of the master’s things. His identity is centered on his Master.

II. His Message is Christ-Centered (1b-2)

exp.: rd v 2; Faithful means:

  1. Faithfulness to the Master. The one in whom he or she finds their identity.
  2. Faithfulness to the Message of the Master; Jn 8.28 Jesus tells his followers that he speaks only what the Father tells him to speak and in Mt 10.20, he teaches them about their witness and words – that those words will come from the Spirit of the Father.

exp.: it really is more complicated than just saying ‘that leaders are faithful to the message’. Mysteries describe so many facets of the Christian life: marriage (Eph), the last days, the church; gentiles joining Jews in the faith, that is being grafted into the body; here, I think Paul is referring to the mystery of the Gospel, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles; Hence, the message of the Gospel.

app.: A good leader is faithful to the message of the gospel; he doesn’t water it down and he doesn’t transform it into something it’s not.

t.s.: which is a great segue for our third trait: His fear

III. His Fear is Christ-Centered (3-5)

exp.: rd v 3-4; In Texas Lingo: I ain’t scairt of nothing.

  • 1st, he doesn’t acquiesce to the pressures of his people; He listens, but it isn’t his all in all; He’s not looking for rewards from his people; his reward comes from the Lord.
  • 2nd, He doesn’t even live by his own standards; why? Because his standards are too low! it’s too easy! We usually make our standards above what others are doing and how they are living, but look at his fear; rd v 5;
  • 3rd, he fears the Lord. This is eschatological; the heart’s intentions will be revealed;

app.: A good leader isn’t swayed by what people think about him or even what he thinks about himself. He knows that Christ is his judge and that one day he will stand before his Master and give an account; and conducts himself accordingly.

t.s.: His Identity, His Message, and His fear are all Christ-Centered. And so is his Life.

IV. His Life is Christ-Centered (6-14)

exp.: He’s applied these things to his life as an example; rd v 6; Phil 3.21; 2 Cor 11.13-15; μετασχηματίζω; Schematic; Apollos and I are patterns or diagrams of these things for you to follow; Rd v 16; μιμητής (mimētēs)

app.: A leader’s life is one to be emulated and imitated because he lives out the gospel w/ his life; and finally…

V. His Discipline is Christ-Centered (14-21)

exp.: rd v 14; The root form of Discipline is Disciple; a disciple is a learner; His Purpose isn’t to shame, but rather correction through teaching them; Rd v rd 15-17; He teaches these things, these ways in every church, everywhere. BTW: I don’t think ‘these things’ applies only to this chapter, but for everything from the beginning of the letter to this point (v6);

app.: a good leader isn’t out to embarrass anyone or shame them, but rather through admonition, to correct them; to guide them in the way of the Lord.  


Conclusion: In his book Let Your Life Speak, Parker Palmer, a Quaker, tells the story of how God used Palmer’s friends to shape his vocational path in a significant way. Palmer had been offered the opportunity to become the president of a small educational institution. He was certain the job was for him, but he honored the tradition of the Quaker community, which is to call on a dozen trusted friends to engage in a “clearness committee,” a process in which “the group refrains from giving you advice but spends three hours asking you honest, open questions to help you discover your own inner truth.” Palmer writes that the initial questions were all very easy, until someone simply asked, “What would you like most about being a president?”

 He writes: The simplicity of that question loosed me from my head and lowered me into my heart. I remember pondering for at least a full minute before I could respond. Then, very softly and tentatively, I started to speak: “Well, I would not like having to give up my writing and my teaching…. I would not like the politics of the presidency, never knowing who your real friends are…. I would not like having to glad-hand people I do not respect simply because they have money…. I would not…”

Gently but firmly, the person who had posed the question interrupted me: “May I remind you that I asked what you would most like?”

I responded impatiently, “Yes, yes, I’m working my way toward an answer.” Then I resumed my sullen but honest litany. …

Once again, the questioner called me back to the original question. But this time I felt compelled to give the only honest answer I possessed, an answer that came from the very bottom of my barrel, an answer that appalled even me as I spoke it.

“Well,” I said, in the smallest voice I possess, “I guess what I’d like most is getting my picture in the paper with the word president under it.”

I was sitting with seasoned Quakers who knew that though my answer was laughable, my mortal soul was clearly at stake! They did not laugh at all but went into a long and serious silence—a silence in which I could only sweat and inwardly groan.

Finally, my questioner broke the silence with a question that cracked all of us up—and cracked me open: “Parker,” he said, “can you think of an easier way to get your picture in the paper?”

By then it was obvious, even to me, that my desire to be president had much more to do with my ego than with the ecology of my life—so obvious that when the clearness committee ended, I called the school and withdrew my name from consideration. Had I taken that job, it would have been very bad for me, and a disaster for the school.

This brings me to my takeaways: Too many men enter a leadership role in the church without a clear understanding of that leadership role. They were unqualified to serve in the capacity in which they were placed – or, they abused the authority entrusted to them. Because of its abuse, two disastrous results have ruined lives.

  1. Many have left the church, and some have even left the faith.
  2. others have shunned the office to which the church needs them to serve.

Men who will not serve as elders. Men & women who will not serve as deacons, teachers, or team members. This really is a shame. The damage is … well, spiritual carnage everywhere! But stop, it doesn’t have to remain that way! We can make changes today! You and I can choose to organize ourselves like God designed the church to be and make sure we put qualified people in places of service.

  1. Let us rise to the challenge to organize ourselves according to the Word of God.
  2. Let us choose leaders to serve in areas where they are gifted and called.
  3. How we should regard ourselves: Scum of the World. (verse 13)

Closing Remarks:

  1. I’m thankful for the men and women who serve us by serving Christ.
  2. I’m thankful for the godly men and women in my life who’ve remained faithful through years of service.
  3. I’m thankful for the men who’ve stood on the Word, even under pressure from the church to change and adapt to the culture or the world.
  4. I’m thankful for men who’ve spoken up and spoken out against clear violations of God’s Word – against ungodliness in the church.

As your pastor, I’d like to begin organizing our congregation for service. Will you pray with me about selecting Men & Women to serve our congregation in various roles? Many are already serving, but we need to organize ourselves.

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Filed under 1 Corinthians, Church Polity, Leadership, Scripture

1 Corinthians 1.10-3.23

Title: Five Characteristics of a United Church

Text: 1 Corinthians 1.10-3.23

CIT: Paul has warned the Corinthians about division in the church.

CIS: I want to encourage each member to strive for unity in the body.

Introduction: This morning, we’re in 1 Corinthians beginning in 1.10. But, we’ll also visit Acts 18. So, go ahead and mark those two spots.

Last Sunday I began my sermon series in 1 Corinthians. The Series will focus solely on this letter from the standpoint of what is a Healthy Church. Our first take was that a Healthy Church is focused upon her Lord. We looked at multiple blessings that Paul identifies for his readers. This morning we continue with that same line of thinking and delve into some of those thoughts Paul brought out in his introduction.

Namely, this morning, Paul teaches us that a Healthy Church is undivided. I want to take his teaching and show you 5 characteristics of a unified church.

In this modern era, there are many issues that threaten the unity of a local church. We will find some of these same issues at work in the church at Corinth. Paul warns them against these issues and clearly outlines for them the very issues which bring division.

My goal isn’t to just look at what Paul says is dividing that church, but rather to turn that around and see the positive side of what Paul is saying. I think Paul is saying here that there are at least five (5) unifying Characteristics of a healthy church in his letter. And so, I’ve entitled my message today: Five Characteristics of a United Church. We see right away that this is Paul’s main thought: read v 10.

Transition: united: to put to order, restore, organize. It is this idea of coming together and doing the same things. This is his thesis statement and over the next couple of chapters he’ll address the very things that are causing divisions in their church; we find the first of these five characteristics as we continue reading; rd v 11-13;  A Unified Church Displays:       

I. The Gospel (1.10-18)

exp.: rd v 13; This is a checkmark every church should make! A unified church lives, breathes, exudes The Gospel; it reeks the Gospel! rd v 14-16; evidently, they were bragging about who baptized them; rd v 17-18; Here is the key! The Gospel is where the power of the Church lies!

ill.: Mark Dever: My friends, let me be clear about what Christianity teaches. There is one God who has made us all. We have sinned against him – we have done what we wanted rather than what he has told us to do. We have rebelled against him, and so he is rightly committed to punishing us, as our sins deserve. But, in his great mercy, he came in Christ – fully God and fully man – and lived a perfect life with no punishment of his own to bear. Yet, Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of all those who would never turn from their sins and trust in him. He rose to new life, and he offers us new life as well if we will turn from our sins and trust him. We lay hold of Christ savingly by believing in this message and having faith in him.

Components of the Gospel Message:

  1. God is Holy.
  2. We are not. We are sinful. (Demonstrate by using a phone in between the hands.)
  3. Nothing we could ever do could remove the sin that separates us. So, God acted on our behalf.
  4. Good sent Jesus to die and pay the penalty for our sin.
  5. By trusting in what Christ has done, we can have our sins forgiven and the relationship we desire with God can be established.

app.: A display of the basic gospel message is so vital to unity. Listen to Ray Ortlund: rd The Gospel, pg 39-40

The exaltation of any one person (other than Christ) and/or their pet projects undermines the gospel and wreaks havoc in a church. But, The Gospel lived out by members, brings unity within the body.

t.s.: A unified church displays the gospel in every aspect of her existence. And #2, a unified church displays…

II. Humility (1.26-29)

exp.: Why? Because it crushes egos! Rd v 26a; ouch; rd 26b-29; Wow, when you look at it that way; look at that! – foolish, weak, low, and despised; Let me ask you: What were you before you came to Christ? Foolish? Weak? Despised? Maybe “D” for ‘all of the above’; We see this also paralleled in the Philippian’s church;

Here’s a helpful hint to practice: When we see Christ in his glory – we gain a greater perspective of who we are.

ill.: βῆμα; Judgment seat; well, we really have nothing to fear if we’re saved; really? Will you just stroll into the presence of the Lord – What’s sup Big Guy?  So how will you be? What will you offer? Here is my…

ill.: Do you know the difference between humility and humiliation?

app.: You know, even when your church is doing well, it isn’t a reflection on who is serving here. It’s only because God is blessing us. That’s humbling. The church is no place for any, one person to be exalted (other than Christ, which is the message of the Gospel). So, we come, humbling ourselves and exalting Christ alone!

t.s.: Christ will share His glory with no one. There is only room for him at the top. Humble yourselves, therefore, before the Lord. Moving on, there is a 3rd characteristic mentioned here…

III. Wisdom (2.1-10)

exp.: he began talking about wisdom back up in 1.18; pick up in 1.28 – 2.3; Paul is giving himself as an example; not of humility, but of understanding; rd v 6-8; Does Paul know what he’s talking about? You bet he does! In Paul’s day, many would meet in the town square, as it were, and speak. They would win people to their views and beliefs by their eloquence and wit. They would win debates, answer questions and gather followers; But Paul didn’t do things that way. His message wasn’t exactly like theirs – (1.23) a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles; Acts 18.1-10; and look at the inspiration he received; Acts 18.11;

app.: So, yes, he does know what he’s talking about because what the world calls foolish or considers a stumbling block is really the wisdom of God; and that’s where we and many churches like us are – at this moment!

I’ve been asked a couple of times what my vision is for the church. I outlined it a little this past Wednesday night. There is a fad in the churches today that seeks to be like other churches – ones that are growing in number. But I don’t see in Scripture anywhere, where the Word tells us to copy churches that are growing in number as a measure for health and stability. What I see here, is that we’re to be a church that is focused on her Lord and working toward unity in our relationships. My vision, My goal: A Healthy Church!

app.: there are churches doing it right and succeeding, some in a very short time and others over years; For us, the concern is: are we acquiescing to the world’s ways or are we sticking with what the Scriptures teach? Even when it is a struggle, it really is the way that displays our wisdom; our godly wisdom; it also displays unity…

t.s.: The Gospel, Humility, Wisdom. The 4th characteristic is…

IV. Maturity (3.1-3)

exp.: he begins to touch on it here in this passage (rd 2.6); skip down to ch. 3; rd v 1-3; what we see here is an immature congregation focuses on the flesh and the world; whereas a mature congregation focuses on spiritual matters; We see this cry from the writer of Hebrews and also from Peter in his 1st Epistle: strive for maturity!

ill.: When Christopher was a baby and a little boy, he was so big he always played with older kids, especially his brother – who is nearly three years older than him. Lisa tells the story about an incident he had in Harlingen (tell of run-in with 10-year-old). “Sometimes C acts like a 7-year-old!” “He is only 7 years old!”

app.: Paul was saying that the Corinthians had plenty of opportunity for growth and they were still acting like babies. Unlike Christopher, who was acting his age, these believers were still so immature..

t.s.: but a sign of a healthy church is its maturity, its wisdom, its humility, and the Gospel being lived and proclaimed. But there is one more…

V. Service (3.5-10)

exp.: rd v 5; we’re servants; 6-10; we’re all just workers here; we don’t own this place; we call it our church, but really, it belongs to God! It is his, – we are his, he bought it with his blood – that is why Paul said back in 1.13: Was Paul crucified for you?

And when people try to make it their own, that causes division, not unity; but Paul offers an ominous warning for those who would divide the church as if it were there’s; rd v 3.16-17;

app.: Listen, no one can destroy the Church of God, it is his and he will protect it; however, an unhealthy, local congregation that is divided because of a person’s passion to make it their own is in danger of destruction! Oh, my, that person is in danger; If this body, that meets right here in this place, is not his, then we are in danger!

But, if we are healthy, unified in every way, we are his and he will use us to glorify himself! 

t.s.: So, what are some takeaways? Let’s look at some Observations:


  1. We need a clear, concise method of sharing the gospel. A Gospel is reflected in the lives of the membership and a Gospel is shared through their ministry and mission. Sometimes, you only have a minute or two at a convenience store, or while waiting for your car to finish being repaired.
    1. One Verse Evangelism; Romans 6.23
    2. The Gospel in one minute; Remember the components of a Gospel Message?

Components of the Gospel Message:

  • God is Holy.
  • We are not. We are sinful. (Demonstrate by using a phone in between the hands.)
  • Nothing we could ever do could remove the sin that separates us. So, God acted on our behalf.
  • Good sent Jesus to die and pay the penalty for our sin.
  • By trusting in what Christ has done, we can have our sins forgiven and the relationship we desire with God can be established.
  1. Can you see how these other four characteristics are foundational to sharing the gospel? Humility, maturity, wisdom, servanthood? Can you see how a lack in any single one of these foundational characteristics can hamper your witness? Which one of these is your weakness is hindering your presentation of the Gospel to others? Is it Pride? Immaturity? Foolishness? Selfishness?
  2. You need to take care of yourself. This last application is hard to share. It seems a bit rude and confrontational. I don’t mean to be rude – that isn’t my intention; however, confrontational? Yeah, I think I just need to speak the truth in love. Some of this stuff can be frustrating for a pastor. Why don’t we take care of ourselves? I’m serious! Studies have shown that people will not take care of themselves. They just don’t.

Ill.: An article in the Annals of Internal Medicine, published in 2014, presented a study on how Americans simply don’t take care of themselves. The Incidence and determinants of primary nonadherence with prescribed medication in primary care: a cohort study. I got this from Jordan Peterson – I don’t typically read medical journals! The article states that a full one-third of patients who are prescribed a medication won’t have the prescription filled. Of the remaining 67%, half of them will get the meds, but not take them correctly, at the prescribed time, or finish their proper course. Now, I’m not pointing fingers. I’m right in the midst of those who don’t have it filled or don’t take it correctly. If it wasn’t for my wife, I’m sure I’d be dead.

I think this statistic is probably pretty accurate for spiritual matters, too. God gives us prescriptions for life. You could call them commandments. But here is where I’m going with this: I look at these Characteristics (Humility, Wisdom, Maturity, Service) and I see so many lacking. Sometimes I identify a false humility, foolishness, and immaturity and I’m blown away that folks won’t listen. It’s like we think this is for everyone else, but not me. I’m better than that. I don’t need your prescriptions! Will you please, begin putting into practice the prescriptions for a healthy spiritual life?

Matt 7.24-27 – “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

Which foundation are you building your life upon? Which foundation is the church being built upon? Let’s pray…

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Filed under 1 Corinthians, Acts, Discipleship, Scripture